Our operators generally pay out immediately after an op (well, after they've had some time to crunch the numbers). We have some fancy spreadsheets that calculate everything up. Each pilot is given a share value according to what kind of ship they're flying and the fittings on it. We have precise fits for WH ops, but if you have the right skills, you can upgrade some of your mods and get a higher share value. Share boosts are also given for support activities such as salvaging and spending a significant amount of time scanning in preparation for an op. Unlike many other WH corps, there's no socialist BS; in Taggart WHs you are paid exactly what you're worth on an op - no more, no less.
To pay for the risk and investment that the operators put into their WH (which they own - the corp does not own or operate wormhole facilities), 10% of WH income is required from each crewmember. This number, called a POS fee, is automatically taken out of each pilot's payout after sleeper ops. Just like in real life, you can't live somewhere for free. The operators provide the fuel, infrastructure, and organization that each facility requires to operate smoothly. This fee provides each crewmember with space in the corporate hangar array (CHA) and ship maintenance array (SMA). It also means that crewmembers do not need to worry about fuel or hauling loot. The operators handle all of this.
In Rapture we take the share model to the next level by using micro-shares. Micro-shares, as their name suggests, are small share boosts that are given to pilots who train useful skills to a high level. These skill levels are not required to participate in the ops, but they make it easier for the entire crew. Individually they are small, but train a few of them and they start to add up.
Join the public channel and feel free to ask any of our WH operators in there if you have questions about our payouts.
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