The other night, I was winding down after an op; just listening to some soothing Lady Gaga while procrastinating paying my crewmembers. While working on my main character's Facebook page, a voice appears in local! (For those of you who don't live in WHs, this is quite uncommon, especially in high-class holes like ours where you can go days without seeing a soul.)
The pilot was named Lydia Addams. I did not realize it at the time, but her name was obviously a combination of characters from Beetlejuice and the Addams Family. Here is a transcript of the convo, along with some additions in parentheses when I was consulting with Jae Ronin, a Rapture crewmember:
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived
(LA: Wtf...someone's talking in local. It's some crazy b**** talking about a nation.
JR: So...what do we do?
LA: Well $#@% if I know. I guess I'll talk back to her.)
Lucius Arcturus > Hello?
Lydia Addams > Did you hear the calling?
Lucius Arcturus > The calling?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. Nation led me here.
Lucius Arcturus > Which nation?
Lydia Addams > There is only one Nation.
Lucius Arcturus > You mean Sansha's Nation...
Lydia Addams > I was called to serve Nation today. "Nation is calling. 373Z-7 is where to go." all day all I could hear. When I arrived in system the calling stopped. Nation stopped calling. When a wormhole opened in 373Z-7.
(LA: That's a null system she mentioned. Stain...Sansha NPC space?
JR: Hey I found a thread on the roleplay forums from her about this.
LA: Ah bummer. Just some terribad RP then.)
Lydia Addams > "Enter" "Enter" "Enter" was all I could hear. In wormhole designation [WH locus] another wormhole opened and "Enter "Enter" "Enter" was all I could here. Now I wait. The calling has stopped. Nation will provide.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lucius Arcturus > How did you get in here?
Lydia Addams > [Several pilots] have assisted me this far by finding wormhole entrances to this location. I am being led to ...
Lydia Addams > I am being led to believe there is another wormhole entrance here leading me closer to Nation. Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > What happens when you get to Nation?
Lydia Addams > I do not know.
Lucius Arcturus > Where are you from?
Lydia Addams > Amarr
Lucius Arcturus > How is Nation communicating with you?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. The calling has stopped for now. Nation has stopped calling.
(LA: Heh I hope she gets free incoming calls, with all this calling.
JR: ...)
Lydia Addams > It has been only in the past when another pilot or more has show up that a womhole has been found and the calling will start agian.
(LA: Pff. What a weird coincidence. You better say something or she'll never shut up).
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Jae Ronin > Hello
Lydia Addams > Have you heard the calling?
Jae Ronin > What calling?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. Nation led me here.
Jae Ronin > Is nation a person? Or something else?
Lydia Addams > There is only one Nation.
Jae Ronin > I see. Is ther anything we can do to help?
Lydia Addams > I am being led to belive there is a wormhole that helps lead to Nation here.
Lydia Addams > I am mearly flying a pod and have no means to scan for such and entrance.
Lucius Arcturus > Right...why are you in a pod?
Lydia Addams > I am in High orbit above the sun I pose you no harm.
Lydia Addams > I have been in my pod since I began my journey today In Amarr when I first heard the calling.
Lydia Addams > Nation will provide.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lydia Addams > Jae Ronin do you still offer your help?
Jae Ronin > What help do you need?
Lydia Addams > I am led to belive there is another wormhole entrance in this system leading closer to Nation. I have no means to scan for such an entrance. I am in high orbit above this systems star in a pod I mean you no harm.
Lucius Arcturus > Which system?
Lydia Addams > I entered from [WH locus] not that one.
Lydia Addams > Another entrance must be here. Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > One second
Lucius Arcturus > We have two exits besides your do you know which is the right one?
Lydia Addams > is someone in close proximity to an entrance now?
Lucius Arcturus > yep
Lydia Addams > That is it Nation is calling.
Lucius Arcturus > But this WH is one can help you there. It only leads to null
Lydia Addams > are you willing to share this information?
Lydia Addams > Then that is not it.
(LA: Trololol.)
Lydia Addams > It will lead to wormholespace.
Lucius Arcturus > The other one is a hub system. Leads to a C5, with a C6 static...but the WH network is dead. All uninhabited, all quiet.
Lucius Arcturus > Once you leave us, there will be no one else to help you
Lydia Addams > If the entrace the pilot is near leads into wormhole space it is the one. Nation is calling.
Lydia Addams > "Enter" "Enter" "Enter" it will not stop.
Lucius Arcturus > Ok give me a second and I'll help you get into the hub system. But like I said, that'll be the end of it
Lydia Addams > Any help you can give is fine. Nation will not forget.
Lucius Arcturus > Ok, ready when you are
Lydia Addams > Nation I am entering the wormhole.
EVE System > Subspace communication beacon unreachable. Channel list unavailable.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lucius Arcturus > Hey Lydia...I'm still here. Like we said, there's no one here, just us
Lucius Arcturus > There are several exits from this system
Lydia Addams > I am led to belive there is another wormhole entrance in this system leading closer to Nation.
Lydia Addams > Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > There's only 1 WH exit from this system
Lucius Arcturus > besides the one you just entered from
Lucius Arcturus > You want me to take you there?
Lydia Addams > is someone in close proximity to an entrance now?
Lucius Arcturus > stand by
Lydia Addams > Nation is callling. "Enter" Enter" "Enter" it will not stop.
Lydia Addams > Nation I am entering the wormhole.
Then she thankfully went away. I can only assume she nagged in local for awhile in the next system, but it was dead quiet. No one was there to help her.
Some weird s*** happens out here.