on Sunday, August 21, 2011
WH pvp is hit or miss. It's mostly about surprise buttsecks, as one crew tries to trap and take down another crew that's not prepared for pvp. Evenly-matched, consensual WH pvp engagements are rare. In fact I don't think I've ever witnessed or been involved in one.

When you're out running sites or gassing, you gotta spam that dscan or risk getting hit. Dscan is often the only tool that can save you. Having an alt sitting on known holes is nice, but new ones could be opened at any time and let stranger danger into your system. But sometimes, you're the one prowling, and every once in a while you get a sweet kill.

Last night I was in an adjacent wormhole, a C5, when I noticed a POS with only a bubble. That was it; no arrays or other defenses at all. Weird right? Sometimes you see stuff like that out here; I figured it was someone who had been setting up or taking down a POS and had been interrupted. Promising, but who knows when they could be online to finish the job. So I flew off and did some other stuff for awhile and kind of forgot about it. A few hours later I returned absentmindedly and noticed that the force field was gone. I warped to the POS and saw that it was being unanchored, with no ships nearby, and 6 minutes to go on the timer. I raced back willy-nilly to grab my onyx and alerted the rest of my crew that were online.

We came back to the POS just as it was finishing its unanchoring and saw an Orca on dscan as we warped. "ZOMG ORCA KEEL IT!!!" I screamed. As we landed, the Orca cloaked and its pilot attempted to convo me. I ignored him and approached the last known location of the Orca, activating my hictor bubble. I bumped it almost immediately and we opened fire. The Orca pilot immediately started to re-online the control tower in a pitiful attempt to force us out by activating the bubble, but that would have taken much longer than he had available.

It turns out that Orcas aren't exactly the bloodthirsty animals that their namesake would indicate. This guy had a couple of faction jammers he turned onto my crewmember's harbinger with little success, and that was about it for his defenses. Orca hulls are pretty tough, however. We shredded this guy's shields and armor and then the structure took awhile. We did eventually smoke him and with the hict bubble got his pod too. To add insult upon injury, we brought in a dreadnought and took down the POS he had been trying to anchor. This is actually the second orca that the Rapture crew had taken down recently.

After the destruction, the guy convo'd me again and explained that if we had listened to his initial offer, he would have given us 2 billion ISK to not waste him. We would not have accepted; an Orca kill is worth way more to us than that paltry sum, and the wormhole business prevents me from not honoring ransoms. I won't transcribe the convo (full of tears as it may be), but the gist of it was that the guy was a one-man traveling gassing show. He used his Orca to cart his ships around class 5 WHs looking for fullerite-C320, the most valuable type of gas. He simply took down and set up his lil POS whenever he moved. Apparently he had been hit at least 3 times before and had managed to buy his way out for 2b apiece. Seems a little counterproductive. All kinds of strange people out here in w-space.


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