Some wormhole weirdness

on Friday, August 12, 2011
The other night, I was winding down after an op; just listening to some soothing Lady Gaga while procrastinating paying my crewmembers. While working on my main character's Facebook page, a voice appears in local! (For those of you who don't live in WHs, this is quite uncommon, especially in high-class holes like ours where you can go days without seeing a soul.)

The pilot was named Lydia Addams. I did not realize it at the time, but her name was obviously a combination of characters from Beetlejuice and the Addams Family. Here is a transcript of the convo, along with some additions in parentheses when I was consulting with Jae Ronin, a Rapture crewmember:

Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived

(LA: Wtf...someone's talking in local. It's some crazy b**** talking about a nation.
JR: So...what do we do?
LA: Well $#@% if I know. I guess I'll talk back to her.)

Lucius Arcturus > Hello?
Lydia Addams > Did you hear the calling?
Lucius Arcturus > The calling?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. Nation led me here.
Lucius Arcturus > Which nation?
Lydia Addams > There is only one Nation.
Lucius Arcturus > You mean Sansha's Nation...
Lydia Addams > I was called to serve Nation today. "Nation is calling. 373Z-7 is where to go." all day all I could hear. When I arrived in system the calling stopped. Nation stopped calling. When a wormhole opened in 373Z-7.

(LA: That's a null system she mentioned. Stain...Sansha NPC space?
JR: Hey I found a thread on the roleplay forums from her about this.
LA: Ah bummer. Just some terribad RP then.)

Lydia Addams > "Enter" "Enter" "Enter" was all I could hear. In wormhole designation [WH locus] another wormhole opened and "Enter "Enter" "Enter" was all I could here. Now I wait. The calling has stopped. Nation will provide.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lucius Arcturus > How did you get in here?
Lydia Addams > [Several pilots] have assisted me this far by finding wormhole entrances to this location. I am being led to ...
Lydia Addams > I am being led to believe there is another wormhole entrance here leading me closer to Nation. Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > What happens when you get to Nation?
Lydia Addams > I do not know.
Lucius Arcturus > Where are you from?
Lydia Addams > Amarr
Lucius Arcturus > How is Nation communicating with you?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. The calling has stopped for now. Nation has stopped calling.

(LA: Heh I hope she gets free incoming calls, with all this calling.
JR: ...)

Lydia Addams > It has been only in the past when another pilot or more has show up that a womhole has been found and the calling will start agian.

(LA: Pff. What a weird coincidence. You better say something or she'll never shut up).

Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Jae Ronin > Hello
Lydia Addams > Have you heard the calling?
Jae Ronin > What calling?
Lydia Addams > Nation is calling. Nation led me here.
Jae Ronin > Is nation a person? Or something else?
Lydia Addams > There is only one Nation.
Jae Ronin > I see. Is ther anything we can do to help?
Lydia Addams > I am being led to belive there is a wormhole that helps lead to Nation here.
Lydia Addams > I am mearly flying a pod and have no means to scan for such and entrance.
Lucius Arcturus > Right...why are you in a pod?
Lydia Addams > I am in High orbit above the sun I pose you no harm.
Lydia Addams > I have been in my pod since I began my journey today In Amarr when I first heard the calling.
Lydia Addams > Nation will provide.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lydia Addams > Jae Ronin do you still offer your help?
Jae Ronin > What help do you need?
Lydia Addams > I am led to belive there is another wormhole entrance in this system leading closer to Nation. I have no means to scan for such an entrance. I am in high orbit above this systems star in a pod I mean you no harm.
Lucius Arcturus > Which system?
Lydia Addams > I entered from [WH locus] not that one.
Lydia Addams > Another entrance must be here. Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > One second
Lucius Arcturus > We have two exits besides your do you know which is the right one?
Lydia Addams > is someone in close proximity to an entrance now?
Lucius Arcturus > yep
Lydia Addams > That is it Nation is calling.
Lucius Arcturus > But this WH is one can help you there. It only leads to null
Lydia Addams > are you willing to share this information?
Lydia Addams > Then that is not it.

(LA: Trololol.)

Lydia Addams > It will lead to wormholespace.
Lucius Arcturus > The other one is a hub system. Leads to a C5, with a C6 static...but the WH network is dead. All uninhabited, all quiet.
Lucius Arcturus > Once you leave us, there will be no one else to help you
Lydia Addams > If the entrace the pilot is near leads into wormhole space it is the one. Nation is calling.
Lydia Addams > "Enter" "Enter" "Enter" it will not stop.
Lucius Arcturus > Ok give me a second and I'll help you get into the hub system. But like I said, that'll be the end of it
Lydia Addams > Any help you can give is fine. Nation will not forget.
Lucius Arcturus > Ok, ready when you are
Lydia Addams > Nation I am entering the wormhole.
EVE System > Subspace communication beacon unreachable. Channel list unavailable.
Lydia Addams > Nation I have arrived.
Lucius Arcturus > Hey Lydia...I'm still here. Like we said, there's no one here, just us
Lucius Arcturus > There are several exits from this system
Lydia Addams > I am led to belive there is another wormhole entrance in this system leading closer to Nation.
Lydia Addams > Nation will provide.
Lucius Arcturus > There's only 1 WH exit from this system
Lucius Arcturus > besides the one you just entered from
Lucius Arcturus > You want me to take you there?
Lydia Addams > is someone in close proximity to an entrance now?
Lucius Arcturus > stand by
Lydia Addams > Nation is callling. "Enter" Enter" "Enter" it will not stop.
Lydia Addams > Nation I am entering the wormhole.

Then she thankfully went away. I can only assume she nagged in local for awhile in the next system, but it was dead quiet. No one was there to help her.

At first we were excited that this was some kind of live developer event, but we quickly realized that it was just some awful roleplayer after one of my pilots found this thread that she had created in the official EVE forums; the in-character roleplaying subforum specifically.. We talked to one of the previous pilots who had passed the buck to us and he said that one of his guys had smoked her and she had simply appeared in a new clone several system away from the null she had originally been sighted in.

Some weird s*** happens out here.


Jarek Avanti said...

There are crazy people in EVE just like you'd find on the NY subway.

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